Non Standard High Risk Auto Insurance Quotes

Our non standard high risk auto insurance agents-brokers and companies are available to assist consumers. 

Get help with rate quotes and exploring all options including state assigned risk plans.

Request a quote for New Jersey rates below.

Please select

1. Best coverage’s (comprehensive & collision)

2. Higher liability limits but no comprehensive nor collision coverage

3. STATE MINUMUM coverage quotes   

Shopping for affordable auto insurance can be difficult for drivers who have been recently involved in a serious accident or has several motor vehicle violations or who may have had a number of claims, accidents or minor violations. Additionally, there may be others who, while they are accident and violation free, represent an above average risk. For example, this might include an inexperienced principal operator or the owner of an exotic sports or high performance car. Many companies are unwilling to insure these drivers at standard or preferred rates.

A little known personal auto insurance market has emerged in recent years for “Non-standard High Risk Auto Insurance” or assigned risk plans. This is auto insurance policies for those drivers whose underwriting experience makes it difficult or impossible to obtain insurance at standard or preferred rates, but who are acceptable risks to certain companies at a higher premium. Sometimes, “Non-standard” auto insurance is less expensive than the State Automobile Insurance Assigned Risk Plan, which must write insurance for almost any licensed driver. As with most types of insurance, there can be large variations in price when shopping for “Non-standard” insurance, and it is well worth a consumer’s time to seek several quotes.  We will compare at least 3 companies for our customers and help them purchase the best one for their needs.

If one company has rejected you for underwriting reasons, you may want to consider the Non-standard High Risk auto insurance market or the NJPAIP State Assigned Risk Plan to check all of your options available.