Assigned Risk Insurance for specialized industrial risks (888) 443-7623.
Businesses types that have high hazard materials face serious risks from fires, explosions and hazardous environmental spills.
Where do you go when you have explored about every option known and every insurance company that you can find? Let high risk insurance specialists assist you.
Insurance for high risk industrial industries available through independent agents that specialize in extreme high risk industries in the states of AL-AR-FL-GA-IA-IN-KS-NC-NE-NJ-OH-PA-SC-TN-VA.
Businesses types that have high hazard materials face serious risks from fires, explosions and hazardous environmental spills. Specialty Industrial Insurance Policies offers a wide array of specialized insurance solutions to high hazard businesses, such as those below, to help manage their complex risks: Get high risk industrial industries insurance help.
- Adhesives
- Aerosols
- Auto Parts
- Battery Recycling
- Biodiesel
- Boat Manufacturing
- Building Owner—Lessors Risk
- Cabinet Manufacturing
- Candle Manufacturing
- Chemicals
- Coatings
- Composites
- Corrugated Box Manufacturing
- Cosmetics
- Cutting
- Electroplating
- Equipment/Assembly
- Explosives
- Fertilizer Manufacturing
- Fiberglass
- Fireworks Storage
- Foam, Foam Rubber
- Food Additives
- Food Processing
- Spray Drying
- Furniture Manufacturing
- Heat Treating
- Janitorial Supplies
- Labs
- Laminating
- Lubricants
- Machine Shop
- Matches
- Mattress Manufacturing
- Ordnance/Munitions
- Paper Products
- Pesticides
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Plastic Manufacturing
- Printing
- Resins
- Rubber Manufacturing
- Shoe Manufacturing
- Solvents
- Sporting Goods Manufacturing
- Synthetic Oil Packaging
- Textiles—Standard & Impregnated
- Tire Distribution, Recycling & Re-capping
- Volatile Metals Manufacturing & Processing
- Wood Pellets
Apply for help obtaining insurance for industries that are considered high risk, a licensed insurance agent will assist you with finding coverage. Service is available currently in the states of AL-AR-FL-GA-IA-IN-KS-NC-NE-NJ-OH-PA-SC-TN-VA.

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